Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Little Insight

The intent for this blog is definitely to showcase photography, and all it's feats and glories, but as human nature sometimes dictates, people tend to get a little personal here and there, and this is post is dedicated to just that, getting personal.  I think you readers obviously have a love for photography, weddings, and all the good stuff that comes with that, but you also might want to know the person behind the keyboard too, right?  I know I do when I am reading other blogs.  I wanted this post to be as spontaneous as possible, not sure why, but I knew that when I decided that I would tell a little bit about me, it wouldn't be pre-written.  Which brings me to.....

I am rarely ever impulsive or spontaneous.  I plan anything and everything that I am humanly capable of planning.  I know, sounds pretty dull, but it's so very true.  If anything spontaneous happens to me, it's just that, it just happened!  

I LOVE ice cream.  I don't eat it every day, but if I could, I would.  And by could, I mean, if I could eat it without gaining any weight, I so would.  And I so did when I was pregnant with both my daughters.  And it was heaven.

I am really neat and really organized.  Kind of goes along with the non-impulsiveness, doesn't it?  And when my desk is a mess (and mess in my terms might be different from normal, regular person standards), I attack it!  There's nothing worse than a messy desk to a neat freak!

I have loved, loved, loved photography since I was at least twelve, but I am thinking I must have been even younger than that.  My mom always took pictures of my brother, sister and me; my grandfather was a professional photographer.....I can only assume it's in the blood.  I was definitely the friend who always carried her camera around, and made all her friends take all those tedious pictures everywhere and anywhere.  Bet they're thanking me for it now though ; )

I am always cold.  I don't know why.  My husband always says "she's cold even in August."  Guess that's why I never turn my seat warmers off.

I talk to my mom on the phone literally every day.  And if I don't talk to her in the morning, I think, wow, I didn't talk to mom today.  It's like something was missing from my day.  And then, well, I call her.

I am completely different from my sister, but she has so many qualities that I wish I had.  Her assertiveness, most specifically.  I used to be much shier than I am now, but being shy certainly does not go hand in hand with being a wedding photographer.  I've come a long way : )

And finally, because this has to end sometime, my family is the one thing, other than photography, that makes me the happiest!  My daughters Olivia (5) and Avery (3), and my husband Matt are my world.  A generic term, yes, but true nonetheless.  A little love from the fam goes a long way!

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