Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Frozen Clam Polar Plunge

Ah, the first blog post of the year.  It was supposed to be a recap of 2011, but maybe this post is even more appropriate.  I'll get to that recap soon enough.  There were polar plunges going on all over the state here on January 1st, but my cousin Ryan, also starring as the groom in Ryan and Laurie's wedding here and here, organized the first annual Frozen Clam (polar plunge) which benefitted the Rhode Island Mentoring Partnership, a non profit organization offering mentoring services to RI's youth.  The plunge had a great turnout and was a big success!  I'm not sure if he bribed all his family members or what, but they all took the plunge too!  On a side note: you could NOT pay me enough money to plunge!  I'd be way more likely to take the plunge if it was held in August.  Think that's a possibility? No? Hmm, well I guess I'll just be offering up my photography services instead then. A lot of our extended family also came to participate in or support this year's plunge....

My cutie nephew James

 Ryan making some Frozen Clam announcements

My Livvie

The National Anthem

Ready, set, go!

My cousin Tess

My cousin Kayla (Ryan's sister)

My cousin Ali (Ryan's sister also) -- I  love her hat!!

Ryan's brothers

Ryan's fam

Matt and Avery

I must admit, observing was fun.  And that's about the extent of my participation in any of these crazy...err, I mean exciting polar plunges!  See you (with my coat, hat and gloves on) next year!