Monday, February 27, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Avery's Birthday!

I can't believe my baby is five. I know, it's not like she's turining 15 or anything, but five seems like such a big age when you have little kids, especially when it's your baby who is that particular five year old!
Here's my favorite photo of her to date taken last November....I mean, how cute is she?

And just a couple of tidbits to round out this post devoted to my baby!

•Her favorite color is purple, and hopes that we can paint her room that color very soon.
•She looooooves to play Barbies, and has more than you can shake a stick at!
•She takes her shoes and socks off immediately upon entering someone's house.
•She is suprisingly strong for such a petite little girl.
•She's a juice-aholic.
•Strangers come up to us any place, any time to tell her how beautiful her eyes are.
•She's really loud. No, I mean REALLY LOUD! :)
•She loves dresses!

As I write this post, I am thinking I could go on and on all day about her and all her little quirks that we love, but I think I might just end here with a couple of photos taken of her today on her birthday. She got all dressed up, but it was cold outside!:

We love you Avery!!!