Friday, January 29, 2010


I know I have mentioned before how grateful I am for my job. It's definitely a love/love relationship.  And what's better than that is automatically clicking with a new client.  Recently, I have been corresponding via email with a potential new client, and we instantly "clicked."  And by that, I mean, email after email after email, discussing photography, of course, but also other things, maybe wedding related, maybe not. This doesn't always happen, but when it does, I feel grateful all over again!  Wedding vendors have the great priviledge of being a part of a couple's most important day; even getting a small glimpse into the life of two people you really don't know, but at the same time you become really proud to be their friend for a day.  OK, so basically what I am saying is, the connection between client and vendor is so important, and one definitely not to be taken for granted.  I always try to be me, and be the best me I can be, even (or maybe especially!) in a professional setting.  When you are surrounded by a sea of talent in your area or your industry, it comes down to being you that might make or break a booking.  It's easy to get caught up in being professional and proper during client meetings, but it makes sense to show a couple your real personality.  It could be the difference between choosing you and choosing someone else.  Many thanks to all the couples that chose me!  Click!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Thoughts About Technology

I graduated from Syracuse University -- when, I won't say, but let's just add that my learning tools were all amassed in the darkroom, which brings me to my point of this post.  I subscribe to the Syracuse University Alum magazine and came across an article about the changes that technology has brought about in the realm of photography.  Basically it said learning photography in a digital lab is a completely different process than learning in a dark room.  Ok, duh, right?  But I wonder how many new photographers even know how to use an enlarger, or have even set foot in a darkroom?  Don't get me wrong; shooting in digital is quite efficient, especially for the fast paced setting of a wedding.  But knowing the basics will give a newer photographer a greater appreciation of how photography began as an unequivocal hands on experience.  I, personally, have a love for the darkroom that exists even now that I have made the transition into the world of digital photography.  There's no replacement for the theraputic nature of spending hours and hours in the darkroom watching your prints come to life right before your eyes.  Whether or not you choose to shoot film or digital, it's just important to know, as a photographer, where photography began, and how the original techniques translate into the current, more technologically advanced methods.

This image, shot with film, is one of my favorites of my sister and my neice.  And this little baby is almost fourteen now!  And taller than me!  Yikes!

Here she is now:

And here with her sister, my beautiful neices Nina and Madison.....modelicious, right? :

By the way, these last two pics were shot in digital, so I am an equal opportunity photographer : )

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Little Insight

The intent for this blog is definitely to showcase photography, and all it's feats and glories, but as human nature sometimes dictates, people tend to get a little personal here and there, and this is post is dedicated to just that, getting personal.  I think you readers obviously have a love for photography, weddings, and all the good stuff that comes with that, but you also might want to know the person behind the keyboard too, right?  I know I do when I am reading other blogs.  I wanted this post to be as spontaneous as possible, not sure why, but I knew that when I decided that I would tell a little bit about me, it wouldn't be pre-written.  Which brings me to.....

I am rarely ever impulsive or spontaneous.  I plan anything and everything that I am humanly capable of planning.  I know, sounds pretty dull, but it's so very true.  If anything spontaneous happens to me, it's just that, it just happened!  

I LOVE ice cream.  I don't eat it every day, but if I could, I would.  And by could, I mean, if I could eat it without gaining any weight, I so would.  And I so did when I was pregnant with both my daughters.  And it was heaven.

I am really neat and really organized.  Kind of goes along with the non-impulsiveness, doesn't it?  And when my desk is a mess (and mess in my terms might be different from normal, regular person standards), I attack it!  There's nothing worse than a messy desk to a neat freak!

I have loved, loved, loved photography since I was at least twelve, but I am thinking I must have been even younger than that.  My mom always took pictures of my brother, sister and me; my grandfather was a professional photographer.....I can only assume it's in the blood.  I was definitely the friend who always carried her camera around, and made all her friends take all those tedious pictures everywhere and anywhere.  Bet they're thanking me for it now though ; )

I am always cold.  I don't know why.  My husband always says "she's cold even in August."  Guess that's why I never turn my seat warmers off.

I talk to my mom on the phone literally every day.  And if I don't talk to her in the morning, I think, wow, I didn't talk to mom today.  It's like something was missing from my day.  And then, well, I call her.

I am completely different from my sister, but she has so many qualities that I wish I had.  Her assertiveness, most specifically.  I used to be much shier than I am now, but being shy certainly does not go hand in hand with being a wedding photographer.  I've come a long way : )

And finally, because this has to end sometime, my family is the one thing, other than photography, that makes me the happiest!  My daughters Olivia (5) and Avery (3), and my husband Matt are my world.  A generic term, yes, but true nonetheless.  A little love from the fam goes a long way!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wedding Photography Giveaway Recap

Just in case you missed our big announcement regarding our wedding photography giveaway for 2010, click here to find out!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Meet Avery

So I realize that my older doughter Olivia has made it to the blog twice, but my younger daughter Avery is no where to be found.  So I thought I would introduce her too!  Here's Avery, my sweet, but fiesty almost three year old.....

One of my faves of her....

Another fave from this summer

I love her bunny teeth

Oh, and of course, my Olivia again.  I want her hat!  I love turquoise and brown!

Never in a million years did I think I would have blue eyed kids!  (I have my husband, Matt, to thank for that!) Thanks Matt!  So that's that.  Now you've met both my amazing daughters.  Stay tuned for more appearances from both of them!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ariana • infant portrait

This month I had the pleasure of shooting my good friend Jodi's daughter's baby portrait.  Baby Ariana is her second daughter, little sister to Natalia, who will also be featured here as well!  Both girls are beautiful and sweet, just like their mom! And of course, we can't forget Joe, who is the proud daddy of these amazing girls!  Without further ado, Ariana's blog debut.....

Here is big sister Natalia in awe of her baby sister Ariana.  Aren't they sweet?

Jodi wanted to try this type of pose with the girls.  I think it was a success, don't you?  Natalia was very cooperative for a three year old!

Ariana getting some kisses from Daddy while Mommy and Natalia look on.....

People are always commenting on how beautiful Natalia's eyes are....agreed!

Feeling the love from Daddy!

Ariana couldn't take her eyes off me!  Or maybe it was that big black thing pointed at her face!

   Those beautiful eyes run in the family!

Jodi calls Ariana her "sweet" girl....I can see why  : )

I love this one of Ariana.  She really is so SWEET!

It's not a baby portrait without a cute feetsies pic!

I love how Ariana's eyes match this blanket!  

Another fave!

My daughter Olivia wanted to get in on the action too!  Here she is posing with Ariana!

Ariana's pretty name...

Jodi says this is Ariana's favorite place to be.  They both look very happy.....

Thank you Jodi and Joe for letting me photograph your beautiful family!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something Special for 2010

I love my job.  How lucky am I?  Oh, and thankful.  Thankful all day long that I love my job.  And I know a lot of other wedding photographers feel the same way too.  Recently, I was reading another photographers blog and I became totally inspired!  I thought, that's it!  That's exactly what I want to do to "give back!"  And why it's taken me this long to figure it out?  Well, that's another thing in itself.....but I digress.  And I promise I am getting to the "something special" part!  OK, so here it is.  Our Wedding Photography Giveaway to start off the new decade with a bang!

Here's what you'll get: eight hours of complete wedding day coverage, online proofing for three months, a disc of high res. images, two photographers at your wedding, and an engagement session held on location in the Southern New England area, no more than an hour from Providence.

Here's what I need from you: a couple with an inspirational story.  I know that can be subjective, so send me anything!  I will read all submissions, no matter how great or small were the odds that you overcame!  The couple must have a wedding date and wedding venue already in place, and I must be available for that date.  The wedding must be held in the Southern New England area, and the couple must be willing to have their photos featured on our blog.  

Please submit your names, story and a photo to by February 22, 2010.  Three couple's stories will be chosen and featured on our blog, and we will select from there! Good luck!  And thank you!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Grand Bridal Show

It's that time of the year again, when the bridal shows are in full force!  And Lisa Frechette Photography is coming at you at The Grand Bridal Show this Sunday January 10th at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet from 10am to 5pm.  There will be lots of great wedding vendors in attendance (including yours truly!), so never you mind the snow storm that's coming, and come visit our booth this Sunday!  We will be giving away a great prize, but you have to come to the show to find out what it is ;)  Hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Flower Girl Shoot

Back in September I did a shoot for Southern New England Weddings for the magazine's flower girl spread at the Glen Manor House in Portsmouth. I was thankful to have the opportunity to shoot for them because the exposure is always good for business. But even more fun than that, my oldest daughter Olivia was featured in the shoot! Now that the magazine is officially out, I wanted to share it with you. Olivia is the one in the pink dress, and also in the blue and brown dress. Her "friend" is Isabelle. Here is the actual magazine spread:

This page features flower girl styles, and.....

....this page features a "candy table" that you can have at your wedding if you have a lot of kids as guests. (Can you say sugar high?) I shot the inset images of the girls.

Here are some outtakes from the shoot that were also really cute and fun!

The girls got some first class treatment before the shoot and got their hair done at the New Leaf Hair Studio in Bristol. How fun!

The finished product! Don't they look beautiful?!!

Here are Olivia and Isabelle in their first dresses of the shoot:

They just met on this day....don't they look like true friends??

Isabelle's second dress.....

And Olivia's second.....

Olivia's third change...

And here are Olivia and Isabelle at the candy table! Could there be anything better??

Thank you to Southern New England Weddings for asking me to shoot this spread, and especially for letting Olivia be a part of her first real photo shoot!