Friday, January 28, 2011

Wedding Outtakes

It's kind of fun to see some behind the scenes pics, so I thought I would share a few from some of last year's weddings:

...from NYC...

....Wrentham MA...(Sheleen's not too keen on standing in for lighting tests)...

 Well, sometimes she doesn't mind!

....and from Maine with my hubby/assistant Matt.....

He's so helpful! 

I have no idea what was so funny here,  but I am betting it was me!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Weather Update

In my last post I mentioned that I hoped the last snow fall we saw would, in fact, be the last.  However, it is January; it's New England.  Let's face it.  Who was I kidding?  Only myself.  And well, Mother Nature is having her way with us with another round of snow.  Here's a pic from out my front door (because I'm not setting foot outside unless I have to....or unless my kids beg me!)

Happy snow day!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter Storm

I am a summer girl through and through.  I would rather be sweating my tush off than freezing it off all day long.  Me and cold: we are not friends.   Heck, we aren't even acquaintances.  That being said, I have a daughter who LOVES the snow.  (Still trying to figure out how that happened.)  We've been sledding, exploring, done some shovelling, more fact, we have spent more time outside in the past three days than I am generally likely to do all winter.  Ah, the things I do for my kids.  Here are some wintery pics taken this month during our January storms...

There's a really neat covered bridge a couple towns away and, I quote from my husband, "the only one in Rhode Island."

Here are some pics of us at home "enjoying" the weather. (I use that term loosely.)

One can only hope that this will be the last of the snow, and even if it is, which is not very likely, there is so much of it here, it is sure to spite me and linger until April......

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holiday Recap

Big lapse in the blog.  Can you blame me?  The holidays are so time consuming! But now that they are O-V-E-R (yay!), here is a short and sweet recap of Christmas day!

I absolutely love this reaction from Avery when we first came downstairs to open presents.  What's better than this?

Looking all cute in their Christmas PJ's!

Got some PC fans in the family perhaps? (My beautiful nieces and adorable nephew here with the girls....)

All dressed up!!

And more beautiful nieces!!

Well, that's kind of it.  Didn't want to overwhlem you with tons of gift opening and all that stuff that you did at your house!!  Happy New Year!!!