Monday, August 30, 2010

Coming up.....

Yes, there has been a little lapse in the blog.  No, it's not because I have been lazy.  I have been super busy, and there is more to come!!  So please, pretty please, stay tuned for Cheryl & Greg's wedding, a sunshiny little family trip post, a short but sweet portrait session with the lovely Kerin (and her beau Ben), and last but not least, Ludy and Pete's wedding....all soon to come.  Promise.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Narcessian Family on the beach

I met Jamie and her men on the beach for a very active and playful photo shoot!  The boys had so much energy, that they hardly wanted to stay still for a single shot!  But they managed to hang tough and look cute for a very beachy family portrait session....

My fave!  It's so sweet!

The boys loved this idea!


And one more time!!

Awww, aren't they cute?  Thanks to the Narcessian family for a fun family photo shoot! (Say that five times fast!)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The fierceness continues.....

Get ready for part two of Madison's shoot.  Oh!  A quick note that this is my actual wedding dress from seven years ago.  (Still pretty stylish, eh??)  And a special thanks to my super talented sister Michelle who was the brilliance behind Madison's makeup and hair.  And styling too.  Don't we make a great team?

Hello amazing light!!

OK, now what is better than a random pitchfork in an alley for a photo shoot prop?

Isn't she a trooper??!!

Love this one.

Madison suggested this place with this great colorful graffiti. Love it!

Thank you, thank you to Madison and Michelle for bringing this really fun, cool shoot to life!  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Some Fashion Fierceness

In the words of Tyra Banks, this shoot was "fierce!"  Ok, for all those who know me, you know my guiltiest of all guitly pleasures is watching America's Next Top Model, which, in my defense, began innocently through my love for photography, and turned into what it is today: a disturbing obsession. (Ha! Just kidding! OK, not really.)  But I digress.  Recently I've been admiring shoots I've seen that mix wedding and fashion photography, and have wanted to shoot one of my own lately.  And for those past brides who's interest was peaked on my Facebook page when I asked if they would put their wedding gowns back on for a really fun shoot.....this is what I meant.  Thanks to my amazingly beautiful neice Madison for modelling for me, and whom I now refer to as "my muse."  ;)  (FYI ladies, that shoot is still in the works, so email me at if you want in!!)

Here's my lovely Madison...

The natural, in-between moments were just as great as the others!

Can she work it or what?

How cool is this brick wall?

In between!  Snap!!

Definitely a fav.

DISCLAIMER: No models/neices were electrocuted in the making of this shoot.

Hello great in-between shot!!  (I love her smile!)

My absolute favorite shot of the day!!  

Who's fierce??!!!

Stay tuned for more fashion and fierceness, because, yes, there is a part deux!