Sunday, November 14, 2010

A few of my Favorite Families

Ok, so as the title of this post indicates, the following images will show you a few of my favorite families.  This shoot started as a family portrait for my BFF Michelle, whom I have the pleasure of shooting virtually every year, except that I think we may have skipped last year, but I am so not going to admit responsibility for that.  It spawned into three other family shoots, including my own little family, mostly since my hubby and my girls get most of the glory when it comes to photos.  So I asked my other very good friend Kerri, who is an amazingly talented amateur photographer, if she would be willing to take some pics of me and my family, and I would return the favor.  And then of course, I asked my sister if she wanted to get in on this action, and she freely agreed, especially considering I can get a fabulous shot of her and her girls in, oh, say, two snaps, and bam! we're done.  Yup, they're that photogenic and that easy.  

 Ok, so my test shot was with Livvie, my daughter.  She's good at posing, right?  Could be Tyra's next ANTM??

Michelle's family...her husband Derek, and sweet kids Ainsley, Owen and Tiernan...

Kerri's family...her husband Anthony and her sweet kids Zane, Ava and Téa....

And here's Kerri's turn taking our pics....

My sister Michelle and her beautiful daughters (aka. my nieces) Nina and Madison....

And can you believe it?  A shot of all the kids!  They actually agreed to it!!


Aww, such a nice way to end this post...with some sisterly love....

1 comment:

  1. love the family pics! so great to have these. the shot of all the cousins in priceless!


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