Friday, June 22, 2012

Bonneau Family

Who knew it would pay to know some Friends trivia? That's right, mom Heather answered a trivia question from my Facebook page, and that resulted in this sweet family portrait that also includes dad Jim and sons Jamie and Hayden. We met up at Roger Williams Park on a most lovely Saturday afternoon, much unlike the past few sweltering days we've been having! I looooove summer, but even I think Mother Nature could tone it down a bit! Anyway, back to the Bonneau's.....

Happy nine months to Hayden and much love to the Bonneau family!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our Family Trip

If you ever want to get away and relax at the beach, sip margaritas (pina coladas/strawberry daiquiris/mojitos) while lounging by the pool, or hang out by the harbor and just enjoy the view (preferably with wine in hand), the lovely Bald Head Island, NC is your place! Until next year, oh heaven on earth! (Oh, btw, I have to give props to Matt who took some of these pics as well!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An Instagram Family Trip

Here's a quick peek of our family trip from last month, shot in the ever popular Instagram form! LOVE IT! Like, where have you been all my life?? More to come soon (shoot in the ever popular point-and-shoot form). I know, right? Is there a professional photographer here? Anyone? Bueller? ;)